Students from 6ab visited the world-famous company based in Kufstein

Excursion to Riedel Glass

On 30.04.2024, the two classes 6a and 6b went on an excursion to Riedel Glass as part of the Geography lesson with the topic „industry“. We had already dealt with the topic of economics in the geography lessons and especially with the Riedel Glas manufactory in more detail.

A guide met us in the museum and told us about the history of the 1756 founded company. In general, she explained everything to us very precisely and everyone was very surprised by the many facets of glass. Riedel was a pioneer for special wine glasses now it is famous all over the world. Their products have many colours and many shapes. The most amazing station was the glassblowers. They showed how to form these great pieces directly in the manufactory. This is hard work, and it is very hot in this hall. After this trip, it was clear to all of us that there is much more work behind a simple wine glass than we thought.

All in all, we think it was a really interesting and good trip. The classes 6a and 6b want to say thanks to Riedel Glas for this opportunity and to our G&E teacher Eda Sengül for this amazing excursion.

Written by: Sebastian Stöger (6B), Leon Feistauer (6A), Leon Dalmonego (6A), Maja Schmiederer (6A)